Hijol or Indian oak, Barringtonia acutangula

Hijol or Indian oak (Barringtonia acutangula, family: Lecythidaceae) is a medium-sized evergreen tree, native to riverine Bangladesh. This water-loving tree is found in the wetlands of Bangladesh. In rural areas, it can be seen standing in the water like Koronja

Common names: Hijal, Hijangal, Hendol.

Leaves are short petioled, serrated, 7-12 cm long and 3-7 cm wide, crowded at the end of the branches.

Flowers are small, pink to red, sub-sessile, purple red with numerous stamens. Inflorescence is 20-30 cm long, pendulous raceme, flower openning from top to downwards. 

The 4-merous flowers are grouped in long & pendulous racemes up to 20-30 cm long. The cup-shaped calyx is light green in color. Flowers bloom in April-May. 
In the winter

Its bark has tannin which is useful for heart diseases. Powder of seeds works expectorant and applied to cure cough of children. Tonic is prepared from leaves and roots. Fish poison is also prepared from its roots. 

Fruit is berry, green, 3-5 cm long , 4-winged, green when young, grey when mature. The plant is propagated by seeds. This evergreen tree is known as Dhatriphal in Sanskrit. The species is widely distributed to South and Southeast Asia and Australasia.


  1. Use proper rules for scientific name. First letter should be in capital.

  2. Thanks a lot for your kind cooperation. It will be done soon.


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