Bohera or Belleric myrobalan, Terminalia bellirica

Bohera or Belleric myrobalan (Terminalia bellirica, family: Combretaceae) is a large deciduous tree with numerous spreading branches, attaining a height of 30 to 40 m. Trunk is straght. Bark is thick and deep grey in color. Widely heard ‘Triphala’ is a mixture of Horitki (Terminalia chebula), Amloki (Phyllanthus emblica) and Bohera. According to Ayurvedic method, regular consumption of Triphala-soaked water will reduce excess weight effortlessly. It is found in the Sal forests as well as hilly forests of Bangladesh. It is also found in Southeast Asia and Northern Australia. 

Other names: Boyra, Bastard myrobalan (Eng).

Leaves are ovoid or obovoid, 8-20 cm long and 5-10 cm wide with rounded tip, long petioled, alternate, clustered at the end of branchlets. The leaves totally fall off in winter. The sparkle of new leaves in spring is bound to catch everyone's eye. 

Inflorescence is axilary, terminal, pendant, spike, up to 8 cm long. Flowers are sweet-scented, sessile, small and greenish in color. Flowers bloom from summer to monsoon. 

Fruit a round or ovoid drupe, pendulous, 2.5 cm long, brownish green, velvety, single-seeded. Fruit pulp tastes bitter. Seed pulp is edible. It tastes a lot like Peanuts. Eating too much seed pulp can cause intoxication. Propagation of the plant is caused by seeds. 

Skin of the fruit has medicinal quality and it is used in loss of appetite, stomach disorder, headache, and visionary problem. Poweder of the fruit mixed with coconut oil is used to prevent baldness. Fruit's core mixed with honey is used to ease respiration. Packing boxes can be made from its wood. The fruits contain 25% tannins and are used for leather tanning. As an ornamental tree it is planted in parks and gardens in the country.


Week Star

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Makal or Mahakal, Trichosanthes tricuspidata

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