Kanchira or Bengal dayflower, commelina benghalensis

Kanchira or Bengal dayflower (commelina benghalensis, family: commelinaceae) is an annual herb with swollen nodes. It is native to tropical Asia and Africa. 

Common names: Kanchira, Bengal dayflower, Tropical spiderwort.

Leaves are green, alternate, simple, 10-15 cm long, with prominent sheath. Inflorescence arises from the axil of a foliage leaf.

Flower is blue, small, sepals 3, petals 3. It blooms in August-September. Propagation of the plant is caused by seeds. 

It grows as a weed on fallow land in Bangladesh.

Its juice is applied as antiseptic on cut or burning injury. Root is used in headache, fever and leprosy. Knot of stem is used to prevent sterility.


Week Star

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