Congea or Wooly congea, Congea tomentosa

Congea or Wooly congea (Congea tomentosa, family: Lamiaceae) is a woody and extensive creeper, covering with shaggy hair in young shoots and branches. Its beauty during the flowering season is so unique that it surpasses many other plants in the garden. This beauty is mainly for its surprising and unique bractioles. 

Although it is not indigenous to Bangladesh but it is originated in neighboring India, Myanmar and Malaysia as well some of the countries of Southeast Asia. In Bangladesh it is found in parks and botanical gardens as an ornamental plant.

Leaves are simple, 10-12 cm long and 5-10 cm wide, entire, short petioled, opposite, ovate-lanceolate. There are dense hairs on both sides of the leaf, more on the underside.

Rough branch of the inflorescence bears 3-9 flowers. There are small velvety bracts at the bottom of the inflorescence and three bractioles at the top of it, taking the shape of the cup. Sepals 5, bilabiate, tubular, with dense hair. Stamens 4. 

Flower blooms from winter to spring. Fruit is a capsule. Propagation of the plant is caused by cuttings.


Week Star

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