Deua or Monkey jack, Artocarpus lacucha

Deua or Monkey jack (Artocarpus lacucha, family: Moraceae) a large tree with large spreading crown, of 12-18 m height. The bark of the deciduous tree is grey and coarse. The type of its fruit reminds us of Jackfruit. It is found in South and Southeast Asia. It is one of the most common trees found in Bangladesh. 

Other names: Delo madar, deyphol, Deuphol, Dehua, Deua cham, Barta, Dalo, Bon kathal.

Leaves are broadly elliptic, entire, rough, brittle, 10-30 cm long and 10-18 cm wide, undulate, back hairy, leathery.

Flowers are small, without petals. Male and female flowers grow on the same inflorescence. Female inflorescence has pedicel, though the male one has none. The fruits come from the female flowers.

Fruit is a syncarp (multiple fruit, which is fleshy), wavy, velvety, bright yellow or orange when ripe, 5-10 cm in diameter. The fruit is sour-tasted but also somewhat sweet. It is eaten raw or pickled. Seed is oblong and white in color.

The plant produces flower in summer. Fruits are found in rainy season. It is propagated by seeds.

The tree is important  for its citrus fruits. Its bark and fruit are used in obesity, loose motion, sore, prematorrhoea and apathy to food. A kind of yellow color is prepared from roots. Bark can be taken with betel leaf. Wood is durable. 

If its branches or leaves are broken or torn, a kind of milky latex comes out. Of course, this feature is evident in almost all members of the Moraceae family.


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