Jolpai or Ceylon olive, Elaeocarpus serratus, Elaeocarpaceae

Jolpai or Ceylon olive (Elaeocarpus serratus, family: Elaeocarpaceae) is a well-known fruit tree of Bangladesh. It is a medium to large-sized evergreen tree with hairy branches. It is mainly found in Indian subcontinent. Almost all the year the red leaves are found on the tree. The tree can be easily recognized by the red leaves.

Leaves are elliptic to lanceolate, 10-15 cm long and 4-5 cm wide, edge deeply dented, glossy green, alternate, acuminate at apex. 

Flowers are very beautiful. They borne in axillary racemes, 8-10 cm long, bear many small creamy-white flowers. Flower blooms in June-July.

Fruit is a drupe, sour, bronze-colored, about 2.5 cm long. Fruit matures in August-September. Propagation of the plant is caused by seeds.

It is planted in gardens and villages for its fruits. Fruit is rich in vitamin C and cures common cold, dyspepsia, gum disease and physical weakness. Very delicious pickles are made from its fruit.

After 5 years of seed sowing, the tree begin to give fruits. It is possible to collect 150-200 kg of fruit from an adult tree.


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  2. Can you provide jalpai leaves


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