Keshordam or Creeping water primrose, Ludwigia adscendens

Keshordam or Creeping water primrose (Ludwigia adscendens, family: Onagraceae) is a floating or creeping herb with spongy bladders at the nodes. Its stems are soft and juicy. It grows on water or on the edge of water bodies along with Shapla, Shaluk, Kolmi-lota, Maloncho and other aquatic plants. Its a very common aquatic flowering plant in Bangladesh. In addition, it is found in the subcontinent and extending through South China and Malaysia to North Australia. 

Other Bangla names: Malcha, Malsi, Panidoga, Diohenchi.

Stems are usually smooth but when grown on the soil it will be hairy. Leaves are shinny green, broadly oblong-elliptic, glabrous, alternate, 2.5-5 cm long, apex obtuse or rounded, veins and midrib are very clear. 

The flower is one of the most beautiful flowers in Bangladesh. It blooms from rainy season to late autumn. Flowers are conspicuous, white with yellow eye, petals 5, obovate; sepals 5, wide open, stamens 8.

Fruit is a capsule, dehiscent, Seeds are pale brown, numerous. The plant is propagated by seeds and its floating stems.

In Bangladesh the plant is found in ponds, canals, beels and jheels along with Shapla, Kolmilota and Chadmala. It is used in epilepsy, hysteria and other neurotic and nervous diseases.


Week Star

Guloncho, Heart-leaved moonseed, Tinospora cordifolia

Kanta mehedi or Golden dewdrop, Duranta erecta

Deua or Monkey jack, Artocarpus lacucha