Shachi or Sessile joyweed, Alternanthera sessilis

Shachi or Sessile joyweed (Alternanthera sessilis, family: Amaranthaceae) is a creeping sub-aquatic herb with many branches, attaining a height of 10-35 cm. The branches are formed in pairs from the nodes of the stems. Sometimes it lies on the ground by forming roots from the stem axil. 

Other names: Chanchi, Phul heicha, Haiccha, Shati shak. 

Stem is glabrous and usally green but sometimes reddish. Young shoots are minutely hairy. The plant grows near water bodies, in fallow lands, on roadside, even on old wall. It is found everwhere in Bangladesh. It is also found in tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world.

Leaves are green, sessile, elliptic-oblanceolate, opposite, 5-6 cm long and 2.5-3.5 cm wide, undulated and dented irregularly, tip rounded. 

The inflorescence, round in shape and white in color arises from the leaf axil. These are much like Maloncho (Alligator weed). Florets are sessile, petals 5. It blooms almost round the year.

Fruits are small, 5-6 mm, thin pocket-like. Seeds are round, shiny and light chocholate in color. Propagation is caused by seeds. 

It is a useful herbal plant which provides energy and increases breast milk. It is also useful in stomach ache. Village people consume it as vegetables. A reddish form of it is also seen often in the country.


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