Tit begun or Turkey berry, Solanum torvum

Tit begun or Turkey berry (Solanum torvum, family: Solanaceae) is a perennial undershrub with hairy stem and shoots, attaining a height of 3 m. Stem with minute spots have stout spines. In Bangladesh it can be seen almost everywhere including the hilly areas. It is also found in Central & South America. It grows as weed in waste place and beside cropfields and roads. 

Other names: Goth begun, Gota begun.

Leaves are compound, opposite, hairy, ovate, or multi-lobed, 12-15 cm long and 7-10 cm wide.

Flowers are small, pure white with triangular lobes, 2-2.5 cm wide, bloom in cluster. Flowers and fruits are found almost all the year round.

Fruit is berry, globose, yellow when ripen, 1-1.5 in diametre. Dried fruits do not fall off easily. These are dark brown in color. It is propagated by seeds. 

Root is used for heart disease, asthma, cough, worm, toothache and fever. The fruit is used in snake bites. Leaf juice mixed with gijnger is used to stop vomiting. Fruits are edible. Green fruits can be cooked. Fuit tastes a little bit bitter.


Week Star

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