Bajna or Cape yellowwood, Zanthoxylum rhets

Bajna or Cape yellowwood (Zanthoxylum rhetsa, family: Rutaceae) is a medium-sized or large deciduous tree with numerous branches. It can get a height of 10-13 m. The whole trunk and old branches are covered with strong prickles. The bark is thick and yellow.

                                              Other names: Bajinali, Kata-horina, Tambul.

Despite being thorny, it is quite a beautiful tree and can be planted as an ornamental plant beside roads and in parks and gardens. 

In Bangladesh it is found in hilly areas Shal forests. The tree is also found in the countries of South and Southeast Asia.

Flowers are very small, pale yellow, borne at the tip of the branch. Flowering occurs in the summer.

Fruits are small, almost round, blackish when ripe. Each fruit has only one seed, which is black and bright. The propagation of the plant is caused by seeds.

Leaves are compound with 16-40 leaflets clustered at the end of the branches, opposite on rachis. Leaflets are ovate-lanceolate, 7-12 cm long, usually entire. Having the pellucid glands the leaves spread a kind of odor when they rub.

                   During the flowering time with young leaves
                 The young one 

Oil extracted from seeds are bactericidal and is used in healing wounds and some skin diseases. Seeds and leaves are used as spices.


Week Star

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